I'm Back! Resetting & Reconnecting In Service To Healing

Hello plant lovers and healing folk of all stripes,

this is garliq. I thought I'd start there because it's been a while.

To break that radio silence, I shot a video in the woods today to share with y'all...

You may recall me sending a similar email back at the beginning of March to announce that I'd be returning to Vancouver to teach my big (and awesome) 7 month herb course.

Well, that was before the shit hit the fan and the world reacted to the emergence of covid-19. Do you recall when the world collectively held its breath, waiting for this to pass? It seems so long ago now.

It's taken some time to adjust. There have been many changes. The biggest of which was a sudden move to Victoria for me.

So why am I writing now? Because I'm done with holding my breath. I've tapped into my internal resources and I'm really excited to dive back into this work of supporting people on their healing journeys.

In other words, I'm Back! (again) And I've got some great plans in the works for a bunch of free content to be released in the coming weeks.

Oh, and during my radio silence, I've continued learning and growing, so I've got a lot more to offer to add to the herbal healing.

And since there's panic and worry all around us, I'm directing all these powerful healing tools toward building 3 things...

Resilience. Connection. Healing.

speak with you soon.

strength & wisdom.


hi folks this is garliq with the Living Medicine Project. And i'm making this little video because i'm working on a personal reset. it's resetting some of the pieces in my personal life and resetting my business and so i am reaching out to share that celebration and to let you all know that i'm still alive.  and basically, you know, i've just got to a place where i'm tired of holding my breath with this whole covid thing.  and so i've started coming out to this new favorite spot of mine.  Covid has been obviously challenging for everybody.  It has led to a drastic relocation in my life so i am no longer in nelson bc.  My family and i were displaced from our home by our landlords and we landed in victoria.  And this where i'm sitting right now is my new favorite spot.  I don't know a lot yet, we've only been here a couple of months, but this is a gorgeous cedar forest with lots of oregon grape and both of those plants make me happy.  And that's part of the thing that i wanted to share in this video.  You know, i wanted to encourage you to do because i know that so many of us have basically just been holding our breath waiting for life to get back to normal.  And many people have started saying, “oh this is the new normal,” and i want to resist that message because i don't know what the new normal is, but i know that this lockdown thing is not actually a sustainable normal for humans.  In fact, i don't know entirely… i'm not here to to say what i think the new normal is.  

What i am here to do is to focus on these three principles that have really, as i've sat down with my work and and and checked in with my heart about the things that are most important to me… It's Resilience, Connection and Healing.  Those are the things that i am here to do and to help other people to do.  And so the first thing in this, let's say reset or this reawakening, of the Living Medicine Project, of my being of service again to the world and to the herbies and healing geeks out there. I’d like to just invite you, remind you, whichever works, to find some Nature to spend some time with, whether it's sitting in your backyard or, you know, standing under a tree in the park or whether it's going for a walk on a regular basis to a place that really feels good in your body.  There's something magical that the green world, that the green bloods, the plant world brings to our nervous system and gosh if we don't need that more now than i ever could have dreamt, we ever would need it, then i don't know, you know… It's really soothing.  Sometimes it's called “forest bathing” which, … i used to really dislike that term but i feel it now as i walk in this forest.  i feel my shoulders relax.  i feel even when it's not raining, i feel the energy of the forest washing over me and grounding my energy down into the soil.  And i want to offer that reminder … that the plants are here and they have survived many many sicknesses.  The forest knows how to get through turmoil in a way that things that we can't imagine and they're there and willing to share, if we take the time and show up, maybe make an offering and sit and just allow our nervous systems to sync with the natural world.  

Because doesn't it feel good to just let go of the anxieties and tensions that we've been holding on to.  It certainly does for me and i wanted to share that with you, along with my little message to say i'm back.  I’m working on a list, right here in front of me, of a bunch of free content that's going to be coming out in the next weeks and months.  Because i do a whole lot more than herbs these days, holy mackerel!  And so i'm really excited to share the new me, and the new tools in my toolkit, with all of you so that we can build Resilience, Connection and Healing together. Thank you. Talk to you soon 

video bloggarliq .Victoria