Would you like to learn about herbal medicines & wild foods
without having to memorize tonnes of information?


People usually start learning about herbal medicines for 2 reasons:

1. They feel a special connection with Nature and want to trust in the healing of the Earth.

On many levels, herbs align best with their values. 

2. They want resilience.  They’re fed up with doctors and pharmaceuticals. 

They want effective alternatives to synthetic chemicals.  Even better when they can find, grow or source these remedies locally.

In both cases…

You believe in the theory that
plants can heal

BUT you want to know that

you really can trust plants to heal.


Welcome to the
Living Medicine Herb School

~ you can have the medicines in your home fit with the values in your heart ~

I love to teach …

  • Artists, Empaths, Foodies & Healers who already feel a special connection with Nature

  • Parents & Caregivers who want to feel CONFIDENT using local herbs to heal loved ones

  • Regular Folks who don’t intend to become professional herbal practitioners

This approach is called
Nature-Connected Herbalism.

It balances: 

  1. the reality that each herb is a beautiful gift, a living poem


  2. the practicality of each remedy being safe and reliable when needed.

It’s an approach based on Connection, Empathy and Kinship with the Living World.

Through these connections, you begin to understand that Plants are aware, intelligent beings.

The Herbal Integration Course completely transformed my relationship with plants—from one of passive, shallow and intellectual appreciation, to one of deeper love, soft intuition, understanding and respect.

I no longer just see the plant world as ‘nice nature stuff we should protect,’ but rather as a beautifully complex and diverse ecosystem of friends who have a core role to play in the healing of the world, including myself.
Malixi ~ student

Malixi ~ student


Hi. I’m Garliq.

I’ve taught hundreds of people like you, to successfully heal with herbs.  And you may have noticed, I have an uncommon take on herbalism.

One of my superpowers is balancing the “spiritual” and the “practical” sides of herbalism.

This keeps you aligned with your values and trusting your lived experience.

These days, I’m very excited about the overlap between personal healing and our collective cultural repair. Because healing doesn’t happen in isolation.

I love sharing the incredible empowerment and life-changing connections that herbs offer to those who will listen to them.

You’ve found what you’re looking for if…

  • You want to reduce your reliance on pharmaceuticals and mainstream medicine

  • You want to be empowered by using your own homemade remedies to heal yourself and your family

  • You’d like to be able to treat common ailments without having to become a professional herbalist

  • You’re open to having deep meaningful relationships
    with plants

  • You understand that Nature is more than medical science will ever be able to explain

  • You love hands-on learning that engage all your senses


Sign up to hear about future classes and workshops.

* indicates required
Learning About Herbs
Personal Healing

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