"Processtivity" - a new word to honour our process, connections and relationship tending


“Processtivity” is the yin to the yang of "productivity".

I offer this word as a concept or even a boundary that we can hold. One that deeply values the process, with an emphasis on the QUALITY rather than the quantity.

We CAN value our tending to the "invisibles", the emotional supporting, and the WAYS that we do the things we do. The only problem is ... how do you conjugate and use this new word?

Here is a short video to explain further…

How do you honour process and quality? How do you find yourself using (and conjugating!) this word?

Let me know by leaving a comment…


hi there this is garliq with the living medicine project at livingmedicineproject.com and i'm making this video because i have a new word that i want to introduce to you and to the english language and specifically this word will be appreciated by folks who um are process oriented and tend to do emotional tending in relationships and uh really valuable some of those intangible uh qualities as opposed to quantities of things and the word is processivity and i consider it the yin to the yang of productivity and it's really important for a couple of reasons one because having a word identifies that there is something being done and that can help us you know this idea just spit out from a conversation i was having with a friend where we were talking about how we'd spent the days uh doing emotional tending and processing work and at the end of the day when we were reflecting back we had this judgment that we weren't being productive enough i don't know if you also feel that but of course you know we have some analysis about how messed up capitalism is and how it puts this pressure on us and uh and all of a sudden that this word just came out you know like we really need i guess first it was the need we need a word so that we can have a boundary so we can hold space uh to really honor uh the connections between people and really honor i mean our families uh work better when we have uh processivity when we have processing that's happening our relationships our friends groups our workplaces you know like all of these things especially maybe in the pandemic to be tending to those emotions is really it adds a lot of value and meaning for people in our lives and um and so i don't know exactly haven't figured out all the ways to add this to the to the to-do list to help with that satisfaction of checking things off but i offer it to you to start using to conjugate i still don't know all the ways to conjugate this word um maybe it should be process processivity as opposed to processivity but however you use it uh you can you can i think uh imbue and and hold your own boundary of really valuing um the the relationship work that you do because i think it's really important and the emotional reflection and processing stuff boy our world just needs a lot more of that right now and uh and our family and friends um you know we all need this place to to process and make sense of things it's a very confusing time and uh and it doesn't help when we're criticizing ourselves we're not counting our days as being valuable because they don't fit the productive model barf make me puke anyway this is my remedy i guess this is my this is my remedy so that you don't feel nauseous about the pressures of uh of productivity um because processivity is really uh it's just the other side of the coin and it's really needed one doesn't work well without the other so uh yeah so use it and please comment below subscribe and uh and and turn on the little notification thing so that you can find out as i'm shooting more videos it's happening more regularly uh but i'm really curious to know uh what this word can mean for you and what what it means how you've been using it and uh and how it's shifted things uh and and for the word geeks out there for the grammar folks like conjugate this up let me know uh different ways to use it anyway i'm garlic with the living medicine project thanks