This approach works best with certain kinds of people.
There is no cookie-cutter for healing. Instead, my approach may work especially well for you because it’s designed for these types of situations:
You want relief from self criticism, doubt or worry. These patterns can be strong and hard to break on your own. And whether they come with physical pains also, they leave you feeling alone, hurt and angry.
You’re feeling physically sick. Perhaps food or your digestion are causing problems, you have pain or inflammation, trouble breathing, or an infection. The body needs support to heal and recover naturally.
You want control over your emotions rather than them controlling you. Time to get off the emotional roller coaster. Life is full of demands, uncertainty and stresses, your resources run low while your emotions can get more intense. And even if some part of you doesn’t believe it possible, you’d really like to feel calm again.
You’re pretty healthy and handling your stresses ok right now, but it’s not sustainable. You can see that more support and new ways are needed for you to continue doing well. You want to root your new healing practices in the wisdom of nature.
You’re feeling depleted and worn down more than you want to be. Whether it’s “burnout” doesn’t matter, you just want to have enough energy to live your life. Maybe you’re looking to regain your sense of vitality and you’d like support or guidance on that journey.
You know lots about herbs, but now you’re ready to learn to heal emotions too. A lot of ‘herbies’ are surprised to discover how essential emotional healing is. Navigating your emotional world well means feeling peace, confidence and self connection. It complements herbal healing like they were meant to be.
You know lots about emotional awareness, but now you’re ready to add herbs to your toolkit. Herbs can be used in so many ways to support healing. Beyond just the physical relief to the body, they can be used to quickly bring you out of distress or to help you get the sleep you need, all while other herbs are rebuilding your inner resources.
The Living Medicine Project is for …
… caring, passionate people like you, who want healing BOTH for themselves, their families AND for the state of the world. This means that folks come looking for all sorts of physical and emotional healing. They’re sensitive, kind people drawn on some level to the wisdom of Nature.
The most successful clients and students share these values:
Humans can and do find healing and balance when they listen to the Wisdom of the Earth, personally and globally.
We are each responsible for ourselves, even while we recognize our deep interconnectedness to each other.
Your healing journey is your healing journey. No matter how many doctors, healers, mentors or guides you have… it is your life to choose.
We choose healing!
Does this sound like you?
If so, then I feel confident that I can really help you along your healing journey.