Hooray! You’re here. We’re gonna have such an amazing journey together!

Hello and Welcome!

I’m so delighted to have such a wonderful group of people coming together to learn from and with the plants. And I’m both humbled and excited to be a guide for you into this realm of deep nature connection with plants.


Just in case you needed to hear it occasionally, I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing teacher.  I loved how you could hold the class in this safe little bubble where we all had space to express ourselves.  

I felt inspired to read any book you mentioned in passing, and learned far more than I'd expected.  You are hilarious and sarcastic, and really, really good at what you do.

Erin Newell

Erin Newell



Important details on this page…

1. Joining the Private Discussion Group to connect with the whole gang!

Click this link —> https://living-medicine-project.mn.co/share/kaNl3DyoX_Y2c45Z?utm_source=manual

It only takes about 2 mins to set up and it means that FB won’t be reading any of it. yay!

2. Bonus Materials

This first bonus -

you may have already checked out, but since it’s super relevant I’m including it to make sure.

It’s episode #4 from my podcast, Herbalism As Activism, with Stephen Buhner. He’s an incredible herbalist and prolific author, including The Lost Language of Plants, the inspiration for the name of this group.


Bonuses 2, 3 & 4 -


These are all related to each other. They are the first three classes from my Self Care for Rebels webclass.

Class #1 is an overview of the the entire course and always takes longer than I want it to. This recording is about 2.5 hrs.

Classes 2 & 3 are 60-90 mins each, so feel free to start with those.

  1. SCR class #1 - Foundations for Successful Self Care in Turbulent Times

    There is video for class #1 only. Here’s that link: https://youtu.be/D-ZviRwKb6U

  2. SCR class #2 - Reducing Stress and Anxiety with Herbs and More

  3. SCR class #3 - Preventing and Recovering from Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue

These links take you to the google drive folder containing the audio & pdf for those classes.


Alright, I believe that covers the basics for now. You will get an email with the same info just to be sure that everyone gets the info.

If you need to get in touch, my email is… garliq at livingmedicineproject.com

See you in the Discussion Group!

strength & wisdom.


PS. here’s the link again…

Click this link —> https://living-medicine-project.mn.co/share/kaNl3DyoX_Y2c45Z?utm_source=manual