Announcing ... Herbal Self Care Class for Radicals, Activists and Organizers


“Let’s treat each other as if we plan to work side by side in struggle for many, many years to come. Because the task before us will demand nothing less.”

A friend of mine recently shared this quote from Naomi Klein addressing Occupy Wall Street a few years might be suffering from capitalismAnd it really struck a chord with me. How does it land for you?My first response was a "well yes, that's pretty obvious," but as it rolled over in my mind I began thinking about how I can do this and how others can do this. It's not only about solidarity and relationship building between movements, but about how we treat ourselves and those around us.If we're going to be well enough, to have the resilience and perseverance needed to overhaul the social, economic and environmental structures that are consuming the Earth's resources like a blazing wildfire, we need to have exceptional self care practices.

We need YOU to be well, so that you can stay engaged and active.

From my perspective, right now the world needs a lot of people working toward the vision of a healthy, green, peaceful world.So I created a class specifically for those folks who are either "fighting the good fight" or they would be if they felt well enough AND who want to continue this work for many, many years.

Announcing the ...fb size-heart in rain

Herbal Self Care Class for Radicals, Activists and Organizers

How to sustain yourself and your activism using the healing and wisdom of plant medicines


This 6 week web-based class will show you how and why herbal medicines must play a major role in our lives, if indeed Another World IS Possible.

Who is this class best for?

After years of being around activists and organizer (and being one myself).  I want to highly recommend this kind of class if:

  • You’re feeling anxious and/or stressed more than you think is good for you
  • Your sleep isn’t good – insomnia, not waking up rested and refreshed, or too much sleep, waking up dull
  • You get through your day with 3+ cups of coffee, sugar or other stimulants in a day
  • It seems like you’re getting sick a lot, as if every “seasonal” illness hits you
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed, panicked or triggered (almost) daily
  • You’re feeling disconnected from yourself or your heart’s motivations driving your activism

tea in hands 300x274Whether you're trying to unplug from the system that has failed us all, by growing more of your own food, reducing your carbon footprint, changing your buying habits, or by homeschooling (because parenting can be powerful social change work).Or you're engaged in community groups and activist organizations working for various types of justice. From the streets of Ferguson (because #BlackLivesMatter) to stopping the Tar Sands to creating community birthing centres and everything in between.I trust that herbs can help you in you feel healthier and have more energy, so that you can be there both for "the struggle" and as a personal support to your loved ones.

From these 6 webinars, you’ll learn:

  • How to use herbs to increase your health and your resilience so you can be more effective and have more fun with your activism
  • Practical tools and techniques for dealing with anxiety and stress
  • Why the pharmaceutical medical model needs to be replaced by healing practices that actually serve people and the Earth (plus a few ideas on how to do this)
  • Why and how nature connection is essential not just for your own health and happiness, but also the effectiveness of your resistance work

And I'm keeping the price low so that it's affordable for folks (plus there are a few scholarships available). You can save $30 with the Early Bird price for the first 20 people who register.(Also, because this is the first time I'm offering this class, I'll be looking for your feedback and testimonials to help make this class better for next time.)If this feels like a good fit, you can read more here --> Herbal Self Care Class for Radicals, Activists and Organizers

The Pertinent Details:

  • There are 6 weekly web-based classes over 6 weeks this Fall
  • They are 2 hrs each – running from 4 pm to 6 pm Pacific Time (7-9pm EST)
  • Running Thursdays from Oct. 15th – Nov. 19
  • You’ll be able to access the calls by phone, skype or the web
  • There will be a Facebook Forum for asking questions and sharing stories (if you really dislike FB, I apologize.  I’m not yet able to set up a forum on my website)
  • You can chose to take the Core Program or be part of the Herbal Praxis Group to apply your learning directly to your health (with a kit of herbal remedies + 6 extra classes to help with integration)
  • You can save $30 with the Early Bird price if you're in the first 20 people who register.

Please feel free to share this event by forwarding this email or by sharing this Facebook event.If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to ask.strength & wisdom.garliqPS. This event has already started to take off on Facebook, the Early Bird Price will likely be gone by Sept. 1st. Register for the class here -->
