Announcing: version 2.0 of Herbal Self Care for Radicals, Activists & Organizers v 2.0
Hello herb loving activisty folks,Do you know someone who has experienced “burnout”? Have you ever experienced it?I certainly have. It hit me really hard after 4-5 years of pretty heavy organizing in my mid-20s. I totally crashed. No organizing meetings, no protesting, no energy, no space at all to care about any particular cause. I couldn’t even talk about politics.One time, I remember getting totally triggered while watching a movie that included a protest scene where the cops shot into the crowd. My heart instantly started racing. I was sweating, anxious, confused and totally overwhelmed. Thankfully, my partner was able to turn off the tv quickly.Yes, I realize this was a stronger response than “just burnout”, but it doesn’t really change where I’m going with this.Trauma has a huge impact on our experiences with burnout!
But standing up for things like clean water, clean air, social programs, not being shot for the colour of your skin, etc, etc, etc, greatly increases your chance for experiencing trauma.Just dealing with poverty, living paycheque to paycheque can quickly deplete your energy, your reserves, your mood, your sense of hopefulness about yourself or the world, and ultimately your health.And if our various justice movements are going to succeed, if we’re going to build the just and nourishing world that we dream of, then we need strong self care practices that can truly sustain us.
So, I’ve taken my own experiences with depletion and burnout and combined them with my 15 years herbal medicine and my 10 years compassionate communication skills to craft an offering that I believe will help people avoid or recover from burnout more quickly. And ultimately strengthen our resistance communities.I’m proud to announce version 2.0 of ...
Herbal Self Care Class for Radicals, Activists and Organizers
How to sustain yourself and your activism using herbal healing, empathy and deep nature connection
This 6 week tele-class will show you how and why herbal medicines, empathy and nature connection must play a major role in our lives and our justice work.
After offering it the first time in October 2015, I realized that I needed to include more tools and teachings around emotional processing and the vital role that empathy can play in our lives. These three pieces: herbs, empathy and nature connection are profoundly helpful tools that can keep us healthy, balanced and creative as we work to create the world we need.Here are the pertinent details…
- It’s a 6 week class that you can access by phone or web
- Classes are Thursdays 6-8pm pacific (9-11 EST)
- Running from April 27 - June 1, 2017
- Early bird discount saves you $50 if you register by April 16
- You’ll also have the option of joining the Self Care Praxis Group to get an extra support call each week and a box of herbal remedies
You’ll get the most out of attending the live classes, but you can also participate by listening to the recordings and taking full advantage of the facebook forum.You can read more about the class here… Herbal Self Care for Radicals, Activists & OrganizersIf you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email and I’ll do my best to answer them for you.Strength & wisdom.GarliqPS. Last week I shared the first installment in a series of articles making my case for …Why herbs, empathy and nature connection are acts of political resistance and need to be a core part of our self care - especially if we’re trying to overthrow the many systems of injustice and build the world of peace that we all dream of.If you missed it, I highly recommend giving it a read. Here’s the link again.PPS. Keep your eyes open for the upcoming launch of my new podcast, Herbalism As Activism - Stories of healing, justice, resistance and change. It’ll be coming later this week.