Self Care for Rebels - a Pay-What-You-Feel webclass
the UHS presents...See the City GREEN - the August herb walk series
July is Calendula Month!
Events and Classesgarliqcalendula, comfrey, cottonwood, diaper cream, herbs, infections, moisturizing cream, oregon grape, plantain, rashes, S-A-D-, scar tissue, Seasonal Affecitve Disorder, skin healing, sunshine, wound healing
Summer Solstice Update: the FIRE Issue
Events and Classesgarliq5 elements, community, digestion, eliot cowan, Fire, foraging, healing, herb identification, herbs, medicine, Solstice, St- John's Wort, Sun, wild edibles
Vancouver's Wild Foods in April
garliq5 elements, bc, chickweed, dandelion, foraging, herbs, nettles, stinging nettles- bittercress, urban, vancouver, wild edibles, yellow dock
the Urban Herb School in the Globe and Mail
garliq7song, backyard, berry, big pharma, blue deer center, bruising, elder, eliot cowan, fever, flower, gaian studeis, globe and mail, health, herbs, home grown, hypericum, industry, kyle patton, Northeast School of Botanical Medicine, nutraceutical, Plantago, plantain, remedies, sambucus, st- joan's wort, St- John's Wort, stephen buhner, susan weed, tilley hat, vancouver, vitamins
Rosemary Gladstar Webinar
Uncategorizedgarliqappalachia, botanical medicine, foraging, healing, health, herbalism, herbs, rosemary gladstar, united plant savers, ups
See the City GREEN - Spring Classes
Eliot Cowan and Plant Spirit Medicine
garliqancient wisdom rising, Bruce Trail, eliot cowan, future primitive, garliq, healing, health, herbalism, herbs, Huichol, plant spirit medicine, Port Townsend Washington, PSM, shamanism
Wild Chickweed Pesto
Recipesgarliqbasil, chickweed, diy, foraging, garlic, gourmet, green, heal, healing, health, herbalism, herbs, medicine, nettles, nourishing, nutrition, pesto, plants, smoothies, Stellaria media, super food, urban, vancouver, water, wild edibles, wild food