Herbal Workshop Tour of the Kootenays + Early Bird Deadline Extension for Herbal Integration Course 2016
Hello plant lovers,Sending y'all a wish for a Happy Spring and a Green Season that will nourish your heart and soul!With the return of the plants and these longer days, comes the return of teaching about wild edible and medicinal plants.Today, I've got 2 workshops and an in-depth herb course to tell you about.Yes, this info is most relevant if you're in the Kootenays. And I know that many folks on this list are in the Vancouver area or beyond.And if that's you, can I ask that you share this with any friends you have in the Kootenays? It'll will help a great deal :)The first workshop will be touring around the Kootenays over the next two weeks, with presentations in Kaslo, Winlaw and two in Nelson.
How to Use Local Herbs to Heal Yourself & the Earth (which you may remember toured the Kootenays last Spring as well) has been upgraded! It's now a little longer and is being run as a fundraiser for local community groups.This 3 hr class is for folks who want real, nourishing alternatives to pharmaceuticals AND who have a sense of the healing power of Nature Connection (but want to go deeper).From this 3 hour class, you'll learn ...
- 5 Simple steps to build your confidence and trust in using herbs for healing
- How to experience this deep learning with plants (hint: it involves empathy)
- 4 tips on putting herbal theory into practice successfully
- The key ingredient to herbalism that many people – even professional herbalists, herb schools, naturopaths, nutritionists – never see
- 4 reasons why healing with herbs can and will change the world for the better
Students have great things to say about this workshop ...
"I was so sorry to have to sneak out before the end of the workshop today - it was So Fun and wonderful and great! Nice to see you in your element and be inspired by all the stories and plants and people and work!
I've been wondering who my first human herb teachers will be and feel like I got a good hint today... Just figuring out the other questions in my life as to whether I can take your course.
But for now I just wanted to say it was a really nice way to spend a spring saturday morning. thanks for your offering." ~ Marya Bee in Winlaw
Here are the details on the 4 presentations...
Location |
Date |
Book Your Tickets |
Winlaw host: Bindu Studio |
Sat. Mar. 26 11am - 2 pm |
3 Options: Buy your tickets now online - Winlaw call Jess 226 - 7167 Buy tickets at Gaia Tree |
Nelson #1 host: Manistone Ctr |
Thurs. Mar. 31 6-9pm |
Kaslo host: Food Hub |
Saturday April 2 10am - 1pm
2 Options: contact Patrick @ the Food Hub 353-7120 |
Nelson #2 host: The Health Collective |
Sunday April 3 2 - 5pm |
2 Options: Contact Julie 509-3693 |
You can read more about this workshop tour here --> How to Use Local Herbs to Heal Yourself & the EarthThe cost is only $20 and, as I said, is a fundraiser for local community groups. The 2nd workshop I'd like to tell you about is ... Hunting for Balsam Root.This workshop is going to be really fun. Balsam Root is not only a wonderful medicine, it's also got a very long history as a staple food item for many of the First Nations of (what is now called) BC's Interior.This is a 4 hour Field Class, designed to give students an taste of what it's like to take the Herbal Integration Course - the 7 month, in-depth, hands-on herbal course that has changed the way that 100+ people relate to plant medicines.We're going to be hiking into the hills of beautiful Syringa Provincial Park to find this gem. Though we won't be harvesting, you will get a chance to taste, touch, smell and connect with this incredible plant.This workshop is Pay-From-The-Heart, so you pay whatever your heart decides it wants to pay.
And lastly, I wanted to let you know that I've extended the Early Bird Deadline for the Herbal Integration Course (HIC) until this Sunday, April 27.The HIC has been the back bone of my herbal work for the last 7 years. It ran in Vancouver for 5 years and had a huge impact on many people in that time.
The Herbal Integration Course teaches you how to have the medicines in your home fit with the values in your heart.
“This course has created within me a deeper sense of peace and connection to the earth – how I am a manifestation of other beings that have come before me. It has created a sense of wonder in the mysterious elegance of nature. It has awakened the intuition, spirit and creativity in me that has felt oppressed by all that is the concrete jungle.”
For more info on this course, please check it out here --> Herbal Integration Course 2016If you have any questions or feedback about any of these workshops or courses, please send me an email.Wishing you a happy Spring!strength & wisdom.garliqPS. Here's a hilarious video about essential oils that I trust you're going to enjoy...PPS. Vancouver folks - I'm sorry to say that the Urban Retreat that I announced a few weeks ago would be happening in June has to be postponed until the Spring of 2017. I'm simply not able to pull it all together in time for this June.