[Vancouver] 2 great classes: The Herb Walk Series + Healing with the Spirit of Herbs
Hello foragers and plant lovers,Would you like to feel safe and confident about eating wild foods?These days there is a large and growing movement of people wanting to bring wild foods and medicines into their diets on a more regular basis. There are, of course, as many reasons as their are people interested in foraging.That said, there are 3 reasons that I tend to hear from people more than any others for why they do (or want to learn how to) gather wild foods...
- Wild foods are free! You just need to take the time to do it.
- They're more nutritious! Wild foods and "weeds" are packed full of nutrients (far more than the vast majority of agricultural veggies.
- They're always locally grown!
But here are 2 more that I'd like you to consider (that may even be more important to your overall health)...
- Eating wild foods syncs your body with the seasons. Eating local is wonderful, you'll get no arguments from me. AND, eating with the seasons is also incredibly important (and not talked about enough in the local food movement, in my humble opinion)
- They connect you with the land where you live! Sort of like having a regular meditation practice, the impact can be subtle at first, but develops a momentum that has an enormous impact on your relationship with the places where you actually harvest from.
If this resonates wit you, I'd like to invite you join me, Garliq, and a new teacher, Mandy Wood, for ...
See the City GREEN – the Herb Walk Series
4 Herb Walks in June
2 Tuesdays: June 14 & 21
2 Thursdays: June 16 & June 23
All Walks: 7-8:30pm
At 4 Great Locations around Vancouver…
What We’re Hoping For You By the End of the Four Walks
- You can identify 15-20 plants with confidence
- You’ll learn some ‘tricks of the trade’ to make plant i.d. books really useful
- You’ll be including more wild edibles in your diet
- You’ll be teaching your friends about wild plants
- Your spark for learn about the plant world will burst into flame
To get more info or to register, click here --> Herb Walk webpageClass size is limited, so register early to save your place!
If you're interested in the energetic and spiritual aspects of herbs, you'll want to mark your calendars for a very special weekend intensive.
Healing with the Spirit of Herbs 
A weekend workshop for those who want to deepen their spiritual connection to the healing power of medicinal herbs.
The details are still being worked out (and the webpage written), but for now you can do 2 things if you're interested in this course...
- Keep open the weekend of June 18 & 19.
- Respond to this email as a sort of pre-registration. Space will be limited, so you'll want to get your name on the list if there's a even a remote chance you can make it.
More info about this course will be coming in the next week.I look forward to exploring the plant world with many of you in the coming weeks.strength & wisdom.garliq